Derawan Island |
If traveling to Berau, it's unfortunately that is not taking the time to visit various tourist objects. In Tanjung Redeb not difficult to find a place to stay. The city also has many lodging options, ranging from star class hotel, jasmine up a cheap backpacker class.
To reach Tanjung Redeb not too difficult. Moreover, the currently available wide-body aircraft types boieng 737-200. The plane was ready to serve the transportation of tourists who wish to visit the Berau, either directly from the Balikpapan and through Tarakan. Want to try by land along the main road of Tanjung Redeb-Balikpapan? This can be an exciting adventure.
Berau has many attractions, including the Derawan Island, which is known to have natural beauty under the sea. Derawan beach is stunning, compared with a beach in Bali, the beach is much cleaner and Derawan underwater scenery is very beautiful, if you're snorkling, you will find a wide variety of marine life, you will also find a turtle. Derawan clean white sand beaches, crystal clear water as well.
In derawan island, it possible to dive with turtle on every dive at derawan, turtles are also found coming on land every night to procreate. And the quality of diving around Derawan is indeed what divers dream about.
However you can just on the door step-beneath the pylons of 200 m long jetty. Here you'll found some of the most mind-boggling and bizarre critters you will see; luminous multi coloured dumpling squids, pairs of 3 ft (1 meters) crocodile fishes, finger-sized purple sea horses and unidentified species of worms, tunicates and dwarf scorpiofish.
Hi there,
Just wondering, the picture of the diver and turtle on this site is the same on Is the original yours or theirs? If theirs, you should mention the source to be fair.
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